To say that
I have not been active in most of my online accounts this past half year is a
bit of an understatements. I have many, many reasons, all of them pretty dull
or too personal to share here, so let’s just skip all that and say: I’m back! I
missed you guys.
Rest assured, just because I have not been
active on my blog, does not mean that I let any other form of writing slip away
from me as well. In fact I am quite proud of the amount of writing I still
managed to get done during a rather tough school year.

In fact, I
now no longer carry a sword, shield or any magical items to protect myself and
slay the beast whenever the next dreaded “editing session” comes along. Now we
wave and smile at each other like friends who are not yet completely
comfortable together but enjoy each other’s company in the end.

For me, it
is reading the latest version and remembering my visions for the story and the (at
times) utter crap that it turned into the first time I wrote it (can you
imagine I actually send both my first and second draft to publishers and
agents? Yikes) and see everything it is now.

Is anyone out here ignoring the sunny weather outside (haha joke, I live in the Netherlands, we have no sun here) and participating in Camp NaNoWriMo? I am huddled around the campfire doing 30,000 words this month and … you guessed it, some more edits.
Xx Noortje