We all want to write. At least I assume that most people reading this blog want to write a book, are writing a book. Or have always secretly wanted to write one but don’t even realize that they do. But no matter how great our ideas are or how awesome and believable the characters—if we don’t do the
hard part, the actual writing, then the novel will never come. And it will always just be some vague idea in the back of your mind, some loose pages and a dream that was locked away to sigh over from time to time.
We don’t want that do we?
One of the most important things in a writer is not imagination or talent (ok they are VERY important and help a lot but – oh just go with me!) but endurance and discipline.
Because in the end the most important thing about being a writer is writing. Just that.
The best thing would be to write every day for at least half an hour.
School, work, family, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, gigs, clubs, sport, the gym, reading, television, internet, the computer, appointments, crappy days, no inspiration, shopping, the movies, cleaning, cooking, groceries, compulsory social visits, crushes, homework --- ok so it’s easier said than done.
In fact I’ll be a downright liar if I tell you that I write every day. There are weeks where I write every day or nearly every day. Sometimes two weeks can go by without me writing anything at all. Time—where can we find the time?
Somehow twenty-four hours a day seems so short doesn’t it?

Absolute nonsense. If you really wanted to write every day you’d be able to find at least half an hour time in your busy schedule trust me.
That’s why I love NaNoWriMo so much (for those of you wondering—what no one?—I won!! :) Just barely made the 50.000 words in time!). Because NaNoWriMo forces people to meet the horror of a deadline. And to MAKE time every day in their busy lives to write those 1667 words a day! Even if that meant watching one less show on the TV. Or staying up a little later, or getting out of bed earlier. Or writing during your lunch break while eating a sandwich.
The truth is that if you really want to write—need to write—every day, you’ll find time. Write on the train to work/college. Write on the subway. Write while you’re waiting for dinner to be ready. Write just before you go to bed. Just write!
The best way to make time and ensure that you’ll do write every day is to create a space to write. And a standard time to write. Say, at 5:30 till 6:30 PM every day.Of course if you have something extremely important you can skip it for one day. And of course you can do it in other times that day if that’s more convenient (when you find yourself with some extra spare time for instance). Just as long as you strife to write those words every day.
If it helps make a goal for yourself. Say I’ll write 10.000 words in 15 days. Or something like that. Don’t make it too easy for yourself, you have to actually strife for it! But don’t make it impossible either.
If it helps you could also make some sort of calendar where you cross out every day you managed to write. Or you can put a sticker on that date! :) Or reward yourself in some other way!
Good luck! I’m going to try and follow my own advice on this one and write more often! :) I took three days to recover from NaNoWriMo, but now I’m planning on writing every day!
Keep writing everyone!
Xx Lordkiwii
hard part, the actual writing, then the novel will never come. And it will always just be some vague idea in the back of your mind, some loose pages and a dream that was locked away to sigh over from time to time.
We don’t want that do we?
One of the most important things in a writer is not imagination or talent (ok they are VERY important and help a lot but – oh just go with me!) but endurance and discipline.
Because in the end the most important thing about being a writer is writing. Just that.
The best thing would be to write every day for at least half an hour.
School, work, family, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, gigs, clubs, sport, the gym, reading, television, internet, the computer, appointments, crappy days, no inspiration, shopping, the movies, cleaning, cooking, groceries, compulsory social visits, crushes, homework --- ok so it’s easier said than done.
In fact I’ll be a downright liar if I tell you that I write every day. There are weeks where I write every day or nearly every day. Sometimes two weeks can go by without me writing anything at all. Time—where can we find the time?
Somehow twenty-four hours a day seems so short doesn’t it?

Absolute nonsense. If you really wanted to write every day you’d be able to find at least half an hour time in your busy schedule trust me.
That’s why I love NaNoWriMo so much (for those of you wondering—what no one?—I won!! :) Just barely made the 50.000 words in time!). Because NaNoWriMo forces people to meet the horror of a deadline. And to MAKE time every day in their busy lives to write those 1667 words a day! Even if that meant watching one less show on the TV. Or staying up a little later, or getting out of bed earlier. Or writing during your lunch break while eating a sandwich.
The truth is that if you really want to write—need to write—every day, you’ll find time. Write on the train to work/college. Write on the subway. Write while you’re waiting for dinner to be ready. Write just before you go to bed. Just write!
The best way to make time and ensure that you’ll do write every day is to create a space to write. And a standard time to write. Say, at 5:30 till 6:30 PM every day.Of course if you have something extremely important you can skip it for one day. And of course you can do it in other times that day if that’s more convenient (when you find yourself with some extra spare time for instance). Just as long as you strife to write those words every day.
If it helps make a goal for yourself. Say I’ll write 10.000 words in 15 days. Or something like that. Don’t make it too easy for yourself, you have to actually strife for it! But don’t make it impossible either.
If it helps you could also make some sort of calendar where you cross out every day you managed to write. Or you can put a sticker on that date! :) Or reward yourself in some other way!
Good luck! I’m going to try and follow my own advice on this one and write more often! :) I took three days to recover from NaNoWriMo, but now I’m planning on writing every day!
Keep writing everyone!
Xx Lordkiwii
I do find myself short on time for writing.
ReplyDeleteBut then again I also waste so much time in the train for instance. I travel per train 2 hours a day, 4 or 5 days a week. That is 8 tot ten hours a week where I do nothing but listen to music. Unfortunately I don't own a laptop :P
But I do waste a lot of time each day. But my problem is that when I have a spare half hour or something, I always think it's too short a time to write and so I go play a videogame.
But maybe it's just because I haven't written for some time now and have to read some of my work before I can actually start writing again.
I'll try to follow your advice though!
Do you find it annoying to write on paper, or does it not matter for you if you use a laptop or not ( for my train travels you see, I don't have money for a laptop)
ReplyDeleteI think what you need to do is find an hour or so in the weekend and read through all your stuff. Then just write. For as long as you can :) and you'll see that once you're back into your writing mode, and back into your story that it will be easier to just write for 30 minutes.
And if you can't think of anything to write for those 30 minutes, work on some other stuff like that scene that didn't really work for you. Or develop more depth in your character :)
As for on the train, you'll be amazed how much you'll be able to write if you write with pen and paper. Buy an A-4 notebook and use it for writing scenes, ideas and character development etc. Write down interesting conversations or lines you hear on the train as well :)
I hope this works and good luck with your writing! :D
Hi Lord Kiwii n_n I haven't written for about a year or so. I really want to start again, but somehow, I just can't. I reread what I have, bitch about it, and then go on some random website to numb my mind. I'll try to follow your advice! Wish me luck >w< (Congrats on winning Nanowrimo!)
ReplyDelete@Broken Angel:
ReplyDeleteSrry meant to comment on this >.<
I hope that by now you're feeling more confident about writing... but if not...
Maybe you should just forget about everything you've written before. And try to get a new idea or if you have one, savour it for a moment. Don't write anything down yet. Just think about it and learn to know the character and the story a bit better.
That might help you when you start writing again :)
And once you write don't be too hard on yourself! You haven't written in a year, so you might have lost your touch a bit. Just write for the sake of writing. For getting words and a story and a character... worry about editing, and if it's any good later ;) You'll get back into your writing rythm! ^^
Good luck!