The Writing Newbie

Writing is an adventure. Enjoy the journey and write the way you love!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Look what I woke up to this morning! 

 I think I'm going to cancel my writing schedule I had planned for today to go outside and take some pictures! 

Is anyone else having this much snow? (or more) 

Xx Noortje 


  1. I'm in England and the snow is heading my way tomorrow afternoon. I shouldn't moan, as it is a beautiful sight, to see it falling. However, I use a car for work and this is the worst news.

    BTW I like the first pic.

    1. Yeah I remember, snow in England is the worst. Last year there was a little bit more snow than on these pictures... and we had a week of from school haha.

      Good luck tomorrow! I hope the snow skips your area. Where in England do you live? I used to live in Eastbourne myself :)

      Thanks ^.^ I made some more and Might upload a few here tomorrow...
